Rescue cats
There a lot of rescue centres in Ireland for cats which is a good thing. It is better to adopt from a rescue then a breeder because these cats need a home. Instead of people breeding cats because people want them. I know it is not a bad thing to breed animals but the animal in shelters are more desperate to get a forever home. There are rescue organisations that rescues cast which is great and they go to foster homes. There are organisations like Phibsboro cat rescue, DSPCA and alley cat rescue. There are also a lot more rescue organisation out there..300,000 kittens are born each year in Ireland which is between march and October. There are millions of stray cats each year that need to be neutered. There are cats that are feral. They are trapped to be neutered so they are not able to produced kittens but they are brought back to the wild so they are still stray cats.


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