Top 5 cats breed

1.Oriental. It is at the number 10 spot.They has long pointy ears and a thin face. It is a short hair cat. They are related to Siamese. They are cats that are social and intelligence. despite there looks that are friendly breed of cats and get along with people and other animals. They lived to about 15 years most of them.
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2.American short hairs. it is a athletic cats. Thin and strong cat.It has a long life and has a long range of different colours/patterns. Since their hairs are short they are easy to take care to there hair. It is also a very friendly cats with nice nature.

3.Birman . It has nice long fur with a mat feel. it is a  very pretty cat with its blue eyes which is it biggest feature. It is very friendly and loves to play. it has black on its face, legs and ears and white the rest of the body.

4.Sphinx. This cat looks hairless but it is not. it is an indoor cat and is sensitive to sun and the other season's. It a affection cat and loves hugs and pets. Most would be surprised by that but do not despite it appearance it is very nice and carefree animals.

5.Ragdoll. Friendly cat and affectionate. It loves to play around with kids and other animals. It has low defences and it not good to be alone by itself. The fur is soft and fluffy and needs to be taken care of.


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